

03.07.17 | by: Tranquil Family Dentistry

Our Dental Assistant Chelsae flossing after Lunch


Despite the reports in recent news that flossing is ineffective, the American Dental Association (ADA) still recommends daily flossing in addition to toothbrushing to maintain good oral hygiene.


In fact, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reaffirms the importance of flossing in an Aug. 4, 2016 statement to the ADA, which states:

“Flossing is an important oral hygiene practice. Tooth decay and gum disease can develop when plaque is allowed to build up on teeth and along the gum line. Professional cleaning, tooth brushing, and cleaning between teeth (flossing and the use of other tools such as interdental brushes) have been shown to disrupt and remove plaque. “


According to the American Dental Association (ADA), interdental cleaners such as floss are an essential part of taking care of your teeth and gums. Cleaning between teeth removes plaque that can lead to cavities or gum disease from the areas where a toothbrush can’t reach. Interdental cleaning is proven to help remove debris between teeth that can contribute to bacterial plaque buildup. 


Here are some important reasons to floss:


  1. You need to remove plaque, which contain harmful bacteria that causes gum disease.  If it is not removed, within 24 hours, plaque on your teeth begins to solidify, and after 48 hours, it becomes hard, and attached to your teeth (tartar buildup.)  When left, this bacterial plaque cause chronic infection around your gums.  Removing the plaque around your gums removes the bacteria which causes your gums to become red, inflamed, with bleeding.  Basically, leaving bacterial plaque around your gums causes chronic infection of your gums (Bleeding gums=gingivitis.)


  2. Flossing prevents cavities in between your teeth and around the gums.  Remember your toothbrush does not reach between the contacts of your teeth.  Plaque is sticky, and cannot be rinsed off with water, or mouthwash.  Water flossers help with removal food debris in between your teeth, but sticky plaque must be removed with your toothbrush and proper flossing. Plaque can build and bacteria can thrive between your back teeth, producing the acid that destroys tooth enamel. In addition, it is important to remember that a diet that is high in sugar and acid will put you at higher risk for cavities. When you steadily snack or sip sodas, you give mouth bacteria more fuel to produce acids that attack and destroy your teeth. Sipping soda or other acidic drinks throughout the day helps create a continual acid bath over your teeth.  So if you don’t floss and you have a poor diet, you are doubling your risk for cavities!


  3. Flossing will improve your overall health.  Removing plaque around your teeth and gums will reduce your risk for heart disease, stroke and diabetes.  According to the Mayo clinic, ”studies also suggest that oral bacteria and the inflammation associated with periodontitis — a severe form of gum disease — might play a role in some diseases. In addition, certain diseases, such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS, can lower the body's resistance to infection, making oral health problems more severe.”  Other studies have shown that gum disease has been linked to premature and low weight birth.


  4. Keeping your teeth clean and plaque free helps prevent bad breath.  No one wants to have bad breath!  Your friends and family will appreciate it!


Still have questions?  Feel free to ask any of our staff members about flossing and proper technique.  Don’t have a dentist?  We here at Tranquil Family Dentistry are always accepting new patients.  Give us a call at (980) 219-7078 or email us at





Category: Dental Tips